Hi! My name is Maria Luisa Vocca (but everyone calls me Marisa). I have a Degree in Oriental Languages at Rome University, I have studied Chinese, Japanese, and some Tibetan. I have been interested since the mid 1980s in energetic physiology, Pranic Healing and meditation; for over fifteen years I have studied in depth various techniques of diagnosis and cure in natural medicine. I have studied Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Tibetan Medicine and Tuina; I have diplomas in Iridology, Shiatsu, Foot Reflexology, Pranic Healing and Herbalism.
While studying and researching Qigong since the early 1990s, I am in constant communication with various teachers and Organisations at national and international level. I am a member of the World Qigong Organisation (headquartered in the USA). I have spent many years in China, studying and practicing various Qigong techniques from taoist, buddhist, and medical Qigong traditions, gaining a deep knowledge in traditional and popular techniques of diagnosis and healing, all connected with the therapeutic - medical Qigong and with the ancient Common People's Medicine.
I have been working with many different Natural Medicine Organizations in Rome since 1994. I have collaborated with and worked for the acupuncture school AMSA for many years, the Naturopathy school EFOA, and the school of Villa Giada, where I was responsible for the Qigong courses, teaching Qigong from 2002 to 2010.
I am currently head of the Nei Dao Association - The Interior Way, an organization dedicated entirely to the in depth study of Qigong in all of its aspects. I am on the examination board for Qigong for OTTO, the national Organisation for Tuina and Qigong Operators, of which I am a founding member, and I am subscribed to the FISTQ organisation as an official operator. I practice and teach internal and external Qigong daily, always trying to improve in the Waiqi Qigong therapy techniques, which I often use for my students and anybody else requiring it. For this reason, I never stop researching on specialist texts: both manuscripts given to me by my Chinese teacher, and all the books I can find in the languages that I know. It's a passion! A job and a hobby!